has listed approx 19 Ice cream and drink shops in West Central District. Some of the Top rated Ice cream and drink shops in West Central District are- 海鷗茶館, 紅太陽國際示範台南民族門市, 双十八木·職人茶飲·民族店-奶蓋 網美店 黑糖波霸 推薦茶飲 手搖飲料 外送飲料 辦公室外送, 楊哥楊桃湯, 古玥茶棧-民族店, 綠豆田健康甜品專賣, 三角貓綠豆沙牛乳-療癒飲品(民族店), 弓長張緩手作 & Yu Cheng Fruit Store.

Place Name
Ice cream and drink shop
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 96號, Qingnian Road, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 160號, Section 2, Minzu Road, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 76之1號, Section 2, Minzu Road, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 182號, Section 3, Guohua St, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 205號, Section 2, Minzu Road, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
號 No. 175湖美街, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 181號, Section 2, Minzu Road, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 116, Section 2, Hai'an Road, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Ice cream and drink shop
No. 122號, Section 1, Minsheng Road, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700

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